Mozart Edition
The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims to make the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) accessible in digital formats. Access is free for everyone for academic, private and educational purposes.

The diverse functions and possibilities offered by a digital music edition open up new experiences in dealing with music editions for all users, music lovers, scholars, and not least practicing musicians.
Based on various text and music sources, the online edition of the librettos offers a synoptic overview of the different text versions, both in historical orthography and in modern style.
The letters not only provide insights into the everyday life of this music family Mozart, but the collection is at the same time a valuable source for the history of music in 18th-century Europe.
This collection is the central starting point in all questions of documentation and cataloguing of editions and sources on the work of Mozart and other members of the Mozart family.
The International Mozarteum Foundation documents and collects material on the interpretation and reception of the music of W. A. Mozart from its beginnings to the present.
The library houses some 35,000 books and essays as well as more than 6,000 scores. Since its founding in 1841, the collection has grown steadily around its historical core and now includes a wide range of titles.
5 July 2021
DIME - Digital Interactive Mozart Edition
Five Clavier Sonatas Now Online
Im Rahmen der Digital-interaktiven Mozart-Edition (DIME) wurde am 1. Juli 2019 Mozarts späte Sinfonie in Es KV 543 freigeschaltet...
After predominantly orchestral and chamber music as well as canons and some vocal compositions, the Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME) can now present five sonatas for piano by Wolfgang Amadé Mozart in their entirety.
28 May 2020
DIME - Digital Interactive Mozart Edition
Digital Edition of Mozart’s Last Three Symphonies Online
Im Rahmen der Digital-interaktiven Mozart-Edition (DIME) wurde am 1. Juli 2019 Mozarts späte Sinfonie in Es KV 543 freigeschaltet...
In addition to the Symphony in E-flat, K. 543, which was released in summer 2019, the popular Symphony in G, K. 550, and the Symphony in C, K. 551, known as the “Jupiter Symphony”, are now available in the Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME).
12 Nov 2019
DME - Digital Mozart Edition ᛫ Text-Editions
Leopold Mozart's «Violin School» Online
Im Rahmen der Digital-interaktiven Mozart-Edition (DIME) wurde am 1. Juli 2019 Mozarts späte Sinfonie in Es KV 543 freigeschaltet.
For Leopold Mozart's 300th birthday, the first fully digital edition of his violin school went online.
7 Aug 2019
DME - Digital Mozart Edition ᛫ Libretti
New Edition of the Libretto to »Don Giovanni« Now Online
As part of the Digital Mozart Edition (DME), the online edition of the libretto to Mozart's opera »Don Giovanni« was released on August 5, 2019.
07 Dez 2018
MoVi - The Digital Mozart Score Viewer
Audio Synchronization
Listen to Mozart recordings synchronized with the score edition. MoVi does the scrolling for you.
06 Dez 2018
MoVi - The Digital Mozart Score Viewer
Öffnen oder Zitieren Sie mit dem Movi Navigator gewünschte Takte oder Systeme aus Mozarts Schaffen ...
Open or quote desired bars or systems from Mozart's work with pinpoint accuracy using the MoVi Navigator.
05 Dez 2018
MoVi - The Digital Mozart Score Viewer
Original Sources
Synchronisieren Sie den Digitalen Text mit der NMA online oder blättern Sie direkt in Mozarts Handschrift ...
Synchronize the digital text with the NMA online or scroll directly through Mozart's manuscript or other primary sources for which alternative texts are available.