The core project of the Digital Mozart Edition (DME) is the Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME), developed by the International Mozarteum Foundation (ISM) in Salzburg in collaboration with the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) in Los Altos/CA. DIME is designed as an offshoot of the Neue Mozart-Ausgabe (NMA), which the Mozarteum Foundation has published since 1954 and which has been available as NMA Online since 2006. DIME is based on the NMA and respects the integrity of scholarship and the academic achievements of generations of scholars. As an online project, DIME is not identical to the NMA, either in content or appearance.
DIME is a fully digital edition. The score texts are encoded in the open, XML-based format of the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI), which facilitates documentation of editorial decisions and allows for continuous updating of the edition. A visualization program translates the machine-readable XML code into regular musical notation. All variants and editorial interventions can be made visible directly in the music. The data format used in DIME allows a dynamic representation of the music adapted to the user’s needs, including the production of individual parts. The layout-independent encoding can not only be displayed on the screen, but is also available for external reuse in other programs (CC BY SA NC 4.0 license).
DIME relies on two strands of editions:
- ‘Reference Text’: this is a digitally revised representation of the NMA’s score text, updated and enriched for online display. The ‘Reference Text’ is based on a complete encoding of the NMA provided by PHI. It is synchronized with the NMA online for reference purposes.
- ‘Alternative Texts’: these are new editions of selected works chosen according to specific criteria. ‘Alternative Texts’ are usually source editions based on a single source and intended as a supplement to the NMA ‘Reference Text’.
Part of DIME is the web interface MoVi – The Digital Mozart Score Viewer, which is built on the Verovio music engraving library developed by the Swiss RISM office. It offers a variety of features and advanced functions for navigation and individual display of the scores (for details see the user manual in MoVi).
- The Digital Mozart Edition as a Digital Music Edition (poster presented at the 2017 Music Encoding Conference, Tours, France)
- A Music Edition for the Readership of the 21st Century: The Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME) (poster presented at the 2019 American Musicological Society Annual Meeting, Boston/MA, USA)
- The Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME): A 12-minute Video Introduction (joint meeting of the American Bach Society and the Mozart Society of America, Stanford University, 16 February 2020, Stanford/CA, USA)
Last update: June 2023
- 2. Organizational Realization
- 3. Layout and Configuration of DIME
- 4. Philological Principles
- 5. Musical Text and Encoding
- 6. Critical Documentation
Project Team DME::Music
Edited within the Digital Mozart Edition (DME) by the International Mozarteum Foundation, Salzburg
Director | Ulrich Leisinger |
Teamleader | Iacopo Cividini |
Full Stack Development | David Herzog |
IT and Software-Development | Franz Kelnreiter |
Edition, XML Technologies | Oleksii Sapov |
Music Edition | Roland Mair-Gruber |
Former Employees | Anna Bernroider (2023 – 2024), Felix Gründer (2016 – 2023), Mirijam Beier (2018 – 2021), Till Reininghaus (2008 – 2020) |
Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), Los Altos (California/USA)
Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum (ISM), Salzburg
How to quote
Digital Interactive Mozart Edition, published by the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg (, [date of access]).
The project is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.