This converter is a reasonably large collection of XSLT stylesheets (utilizing XSLT 3.0), developed by
This is the encoding of the first movement of K. 458 according to the
The NMA edition is based on Mozart’s autograph score (NMA siglum A), which is preserved at the British Library, London, call number Add. Ms. 37763. The editor also consulted the first print edition of the parts published by Artaria, Vienna, in 1785 (NMA siglum B
In general, the NMA gives precedence to readings from the autograph. Readings from the first print edition, communicated in the NMA print edition through footnotes, are treated in the digital edition as 'addition by the editor' but marked as being based on that source (@reason).
In the digital edition, the diacritic markup of editorial interventions used in the NMA print edition (i.e. small size, italics, brackets, dashed line form) is uniquely expressed through the code for additions (<supplied>); as such they are marked as decisions by the editors of the NMA (@resp). Wherever possible the markup of additions affects the smallest unit that can be individually addressed, usually an element. In some cases, a distinction between supplied and un-supplied elements is made through a <choice> element. With the exception of possible corrections of obvious printing errors (marked in the code as such) the coding of the musical text is faithful to the aforementioned NMA editions. Some normalizations have been applied; for a full description of the editorial principles see the Editorial Guidelines of the DME Music Editions.
The present encoding in MEI 3.0.0 (with some minor customizations) is based on a previous encoding in DOX format. The DOX data were gained from optical music recognition (OMR) and proof reading processes developed and carried out by
For technical reasons, it is possible that some of the original editorial markup not captured by OMR (e.g. small staccato signs) is not represented in the encoded versions.
Lacunae may be reported to the Editorial Office of the DME.
Last revision:
The DOX data results from an optical music recognition (OMR) software and proof reading processes developed and realised by
added markup for editorial interventions with diacritic markup in the printed editions
markup for variant readings between NMA 1st and 2nd edition
moved source A and B1 from sourceDesc to workDesc
added layer@xml:id's, updated chord@xml:id's with add-layer-ids.xsl
several updates and additions for greater conformity with codings derived from DOX, in particular: added facsimile information, xml:ids to pb etc.; updated IDs to structural parameters and units; changed coding of alternative grace notes; review of 'editor's note'
update of the header according to the update header information and change @reason="#source_" to @reason="NMAsource_"
replaced code gained from sibelius with code gained from DOX conversion, redid markup of editorial interventions
proofreading according to workflow 1.2
public release, version 1.0.0
change @subtype="split" to @type=split
update to version 1.0.1
Corrected zone/@data.
Update to version 1.0.2.
revision: header (some data and formal changes), staffDef (label)
update, version 1.0.3