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      of the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.           Trieste March 4. 1873

My Dear Mr. Mickley –
     Before turning to any other business
I must relieve my mind by saying you
are a phenomenon of a Man! – why?
you ask. – For this reason: You visited
me, made me a promise in relation to
Beethoven and have Kept that promise.
This morning came the facsimile of
your B. Autograph. Need I say that I
am delighted? – Delighted both with the
Autograph and with the sender for not
proving anew the proverb, „out of sight, out
of mind.”
     And now, I am to show you that
having once taken me on your shoulders,
I shall stick there, like Sindbad's old
man of the sea. – You have sent me
the facsimile, and I demand in addition

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another letter from you, containing
answers to a thousand and one questions –
perhaps-less. – But, seriously:
     The piece of music sent has a very special
interest as being a composition of Beethoven
before he left Bonn. This being the case,
I am exceedingly interested to know, if the
Album in which it was written is still in
existence, or whether you have only a leaf
cut out. If in existence to whom did is belong –
what other names are in it – what dates –
and the like. One old Album came to light
two or three years since and proved to be of
much importance in the addition it made to
one previous knowledge of B's social life
in Bonn.
     As to the letter – you think its contents of
little importance – and the man he in
themselves considered – yet some of the
merest notes on insignificant matters

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have Allen found of great value in the
determination of dates and facts – so by
all means, my dear Sir, send me a copy
of it. Don't pay postage but send it to Mr.
Hunter of the state department to be forwarded.
     You think my Book may now be finished –
ah, if it only was! – From about Sept. 20 to
middle of February I had no time even to
study upon it. – My official duties during the
winter months take up all my time.
     I am now again at work and am writing
out the Second Chapter of Vol. III. So I have
a long job of it still.
     Please give my truly affectionate, loving
regards to my dear friends Prof. Allen and his
amiable familiy. I must use very strong
expressions if I will convey the half of what
I feel towards them all. –
     With sincere, hearty thanks to you for
the facsimile, I am, dear Sir,
                   very truly yours
                   Alexander W. Thayer.

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